Proven Tips on How to Increase Online Sales

Every business aims to increase the sale of its products and services. However, the big question is how to do it? You may make substantial amendments in your marketing and promotional strategies, but sometimes minor changes can go a long way in boosting sales. Here are common and simple tips on how to increase online sales.


Use an enticing call to action

Measuring the rates of conversion is paramount to increasing your sales. So, it is essential to optimize where the conversions take place – calls to action (CTA). A CTA is an important element in your web-page that motivates the reader to take a particular step. For instance, you could have a button labeled such as Buy Now or Add to Cart for your product pages.

However, CTAs could also tell visitors to do many other things such as sharing your content, subscribing to your mailing list or following your social media accounts. Although each business employs CTAs, very few of them make a huge success. The success of any CTA largely depends on how personalize it is. It means you have to have different CTAs for different users.

For instance, if your business has an email marketing campaign, it can employ a campaign steering paying customers to a particular landing page. On the other hand, you need to have a different link to a different page in your email for unconverted leads. The strategy is to have the customer/client journey in mind while designing calls to action.


Write very clear headlines

The text of a headline is an important factor in pulling sales. Whether it is a headline for your product page, an article, a squeeze page or homepage, it is the headline that will be first read by visitors. Headlines should be able to capture the attention of site visitors to browse your site and/or keep them engaged. So, how do you do this?

First of all, make the offer clear in your headline. Don’t just state the name of the product in the headline. Instead, steer the headline towards your targets. For example, instead of just stating that you run an investment company (in the headline), include words such as – Attention investors! Are you searching for a fund that yields better and safe returns? Such an attention grabbing headline is sure to get more leads and sales.


Make a user-friendly navigation

Whether you believe it or not, sites with a higher bounce rate are often those that have a cluttered navigation. On the flip side, sites that feature a user-friendly and well organized navigation are able to keep visitors engaged on their site. So take some time and assess the navigation buttons and links on your website. If you think there is too much clutter, make necessary improvements; this could eventually improve your sales.


Use pop up offers

Although pop-up offers are supposed to be annoying, they can be really useful in increasing sales if used properly. First of all, make sure that you use such offers sparingly in a strategic manner. You should ensure that pop-ups will work well by providing something useful and relevant to visitors. In case your offer is a freebie or promo that visitors are happy to see, the pop-up offer will convert visitors into leads and sales as such offers are considered as a gift rather than distractions.


Bottom line

Increasing sales in a competitive online world is undoubtedly a task. However, you can get through this demanding task by acting wisely. Just stick to the above tips on how to increase online sales and you could record higher sales over time.


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